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Cassandra Chapter 1

Cassandra is a tease, a flirt, a slut, a girl who lives very much for the moment. Unconcerned with propriety or fashion trends, she dresses in clothes that go right for the jugular of a fetishist's libido. Spandex, leather, latex, spike heels, corsets, overdone hair, make-up and fingernails - these are her stock-in-trade. Cassandra flaunts her outrageous body with wanton abandon. She is soft, sinuous, seductive, an open invitation to sample her treasures. Many have. She craves cock and has had more boys that she can possibly remember - or ever care to. "I can have cock anytime," she muses. "I don't need a boy to make me feel complete." Some might regard her as bizarre, perverse, obscene. Cassandra doesn't. She loves her life, and herself, more now than she ever has before.

Girls like Cassandra are made, not born. Bit by bit, Cassandra was guided, shaped, molded, transformed into everything she is today. It took time, patience, dedication, perseverance, and lots of love. It took Melissa. She is Cassandra's roommate, friend, confidant, fashion advisor, counselor, personal physician - and Mistress. Melissa is also the one, true love of Cassandra's life, forever and ever. Who would know better than I? As I said, she made me everything I am today - and so much more than I ever dreamed I could be. I had been 'dressing up' as long as I could remember. My early attempts were crude, to be sure. I 'borrowed' things from my mother and sisters and kept practicing, experimenting. I hadn't really developed a feminine persona yet; I just had an 'urge'.

My hobby was a solitary one. In my hometown, such a thing "just wasn't done". I didn't dare reveal myself to anyone. The boys' vulgar jokes and derision of "Faggots" and "Drag Queens" scared me off. I wanted the girls to like me, to accept me, and they did - but only as a friend. They perceived me as "too small", "too thin", "too pretty", and "too swishy" to be boyfriend material. They used to talk around me as though I was one of them, gossiping about hair, makeup, which boys were "real studs" and which girls had "made it" with them. The girls were only teasing me, but I was living for it.

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