I was sharing an apartment with sister just off campus and had been racking my brains for a week now, pondering what I was going to do for Halloween. It had been three years now since I followed through on a pact I had made with myself to not let my favorite holiday go by without taking full advantage of it. On this one special day, society sets aside it's social hang-up and actually seems to become more acceptable to those who normally wouldn't step outside what society deems as normal. This essentially allows some of us to express a side of themselves only alcohol can normally bring to the surface.
But here it was just four days short of All Hollow's Eve and no particular parties around the school or off campus was shaping up to meet my particular criteria. I wasn't normally a party kind of guy, often drifting to the edges and clinging to anyone I knew instead of mingling. This all stemmed from a childhood in which I thought I was different and spent my energy shying away from other kids. The solo act continued throughout school and carried on into college where the frat life had no appeal. My sister, despite being outgoing and popular, did me a favor and chose to go in on an apartment together. Costs were tight and my sister, unable to live a solitary lifestyle that I found necessary, had been conspicuously absent most of the semester despite making her classes.
Upon cross examination, it became clear that she was hanging out at a sorority across campus. On the rare occasion that she wasn't in class, working or at the sorority she would stop by the apartment and dig into whatever I had cooking on the stove. Tonight, however, she had brought two of her friends home and the three of us made due with the pizza I had ordered. Fortunately I often lived on the stuff for days and ordered enough for plenty of leftovers.
My sister Katie was a year older and her blond hair and blue eyes didn't hurt her popularity. As I often heard from my friends, her five foot four, petite frame and short bob haircut certainly didn't hurt either.