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Witch Chronicles

I have been asked to write down my perception of the events of the
war. After what's just happened, I thought it best to wait and rest
before writing things out, but the big wigs want me to get it all
down while it's still fresh, so don't expect this to be an extremely
military report.

I've been told that they have retrieved my and my beloved (told you
it wasn't going to be extremely military) Beryl's logs of our month
after the Dark Alliance struck, so I'll describe what happened in
that bar and go from there.

We were being ordered by the Dark Alliance troops to come out and our
collars were tugging and burning in an attempt to force compliance.
However they knew we were there, they did know, and I knew they
wouldn't leave until we either came out or were unconscious and they
could come in. That was when Beryl stood and made her announcement
about sacrificing herself to allow me a chance to escape. From a
military standpoint, I knew it was the smartest thing to do. Beryl
was far less likely to be able to manage an escape alone, but that
was exactly why I couldn't let her sacrifice herself to those
terrorists. She was a civilian in almost the most nonmilitary way
she could be. She'd never handle the punishment the Dark Alliance
would most likely dish out for escaping.

Now I can imagine what the strategists would say, acceptable losses,
blah, blah, optimal success scenario, blah, blah, but I couldn't let
her sacrifice herself that way. So when she turned after making her
announcement, I picked up a mug and whacked her on the back of her
head and knocked her out. After making sure she was okay and hiding
her body, I went outside.

There were eight transformed soldiers and one normal man. I was
getting a feel for magic, because I could sense this man was a
sorcerer. I walked up to them and surrendered. The sorcerer
attached a chain to my collar, apparently not trusting it alone to
restrain me any more. He asked me, "Where's the girl you were with?"

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