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Be Careful What You Ask For

I've been living with Janet for ten years now and for the first eight all was well. But over the last two years things have changed completely, and not for the better. I started looking at various sites over the years, you know the type, and I concentrated on cross-dressing and transvestite sites. But this would only be every now and then. I did look at other 'normal' porn sites also, but the CD and TV sites seemed to fascinate me. I had been into cross-dressing before I met Janet but shelved it once she moved in. The small wardrobe I owned was put into the attic as I knew she would not go up there as she hates even the idea of spiders.

Some three years ago Jan got promoted and was now managing a team of people. She received training on how to manage people and teams, assertiveness training it was called. It gave her more confidence, made her seem more in control and provided her with skill like being able to give orders without seeming to. This training was reflected in our relationship as she became more assertive, self-assured and confident. Jan was always the pushy one in the relationship but the training extended this. She organised holidays, weekends away and took the lead in things like organising a spring clean of the house. I would be given the orders - she would help out mind - but she was the one in charge.

About the same time I found myself working from home and Jan's promotion meant she was travelling to the US for a week or so every eight weeks. The urge to dress came back and once, when she was away, I give in. I began to dress and surf the net looking at sites and getting ideas for dressing, putting on make up and so forth. Sometimes I would dress for the complete day and I began to buy more clothes.

I also got into the idea of Domination and read up on various things that went on in a FemDom relationships. I liked the idea, to an extent, but did not see a way of making it happen in real life. Jan was a very heterosexual person with strict ideas of what was allowed and what was not.

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